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Jacquelyn Middleton

author : Jacquelyn Middleton

Hello! I'm Jacquelyn Middleton, award-winning author of LONDON BELONGS TO ME, LONDON, CAN YOU WAIT? and UNTIL THE LAST STAR FADES. I'm also the 2019 recipient of the BEST CANADIAN AUTHOR AWARD for UNTIL THE LAST STAR FADES from the Toronto chapter of the Romance Writers of America. \n\nIf I had to sum up my books, I’d say they’re character- and relationship-driven stories about people dealing with the triumphs and disasters we all experience. They’re also love stories for hopeful romantics—I say hopeful because my novels are always full of hope and a ‘happy ever after’ is important, now more than ever. But life is messy, relationships are messy, and my books aren’t afraid to go there, too. I’m proud to be an own voices author—I’ve had anxiety, panic attacks, and depression all my life, and I include mental health in all of my books. I’ve always felt that there should be more representation of mental health in novels. And by more representation, I mean realistically and empathetically portrayed mental health. I’ve seen many stories where mental health issues are treated like a character trait and nothing appears on the page to show its reality. Anxiety and depression aren’t disorders you can try on like a trendy pair of jeans. So, who would be better equipped to show anxiety and depression in a true-to-life way than someone with those very challenges? I’m pleased to have this platform to inform people about this misunderstood affliction. My goal is to entertain AND bust the stigma—one book at a time. If one person with anxiety or depression comes away after reading my books and feels understood and not alone, I’ve done my job.\n\nLONDON BELONGS TO ME (contemporary coming-of-age fiction) won an honourable mention in the mainstream/literary fiction category of the 25th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards in fall 2017. \n\nLONDON, CAN YOU WAIT? (contemporary romance) captured the GOLD prize in the romance category of the Independent Publisher Book Awards in April 2018, won the women's fiction prize in the 2019 Indie Reader Discovery Awards, and earned an Indie BRAG medallion for excellence in early 2019. My first two novels were featured by NBC'S TODAY SHOW, HYPABLE, COSMOPOLITAN, BUZZFEED, REDBOOK, POPSUGAR, ELLE, and THE HUFFINGTON POST. \n\nMy latest novel, UNTIL THE LAST STAR FADES, blurs the line between slow-burn, friends to lovers romance and women's fiction. This standalone is a bittersweet story about love, loss, sacrifice, and the life-changing decisions we make. It won the ROMANCE category at the 2019 BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDS held by the Independent Author Network and was a FINALIST in the 2019 Contemporary Romance Writers 'Stiletto' Awards, the 2019 Toronto Romance Writers 'Northern Heart' Awards, and the 2019 Las Vegas 'I Heart Indie' awards (all three organizations are chapters of the Romance Writers of America organization). It's also been featured by THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, NBC NEWS, THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, and USA TODAY, and was named by HYPABLE as one of their favourite books of 2018 as well as one of the best books of 2018.\n\nI live in Toronto with my British husband, adore the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team, going to plays, and travelling to London, New York, and Orkney. \n\nVisit me on my colourful Instagram (@JaxMiddleton_Author), Facebook (JacquelynMiddletonAuthor), and Twitter (@JaxMiddleton). Check out my website at, and join my Facebook group (Keeganites United) where members chat with wonderful booklovers from around the world, get the inside scoop on book news, and have the chance to enter exclusive giveaways. \n

Jacquelyn Middleton Book Series